Thursday, April 19, 2012

Not for the Faint of Heart

I've played sports my whole life- never been serious about it, it was mostly for the recreation, work-out and cute uniforms. I like to stay in shape but usually a handful of crunches in front of the TV counts as aerobics to me... Fast forward to 2012, when two of my closest gals and I committed ourselves to running a half marathon! Wait, what? Why on earth would we do that? I am not sure we know the answer to this, even now. But this past weekend, sure enough, we ran the Go! St. Louis Half Marathon downtown in the Lou. Wow. All I can say is- we survived! and it felt so good to actually accomplish something that took serious planning and hard work. Too often my goals are tiny and with minimal effort and time commitment, I can check them off my list. Not so, with this whole running thing. Crossing the finish line made us feel like champs. Immediately after we finished and I was in major pain, I swore I would NEVER do it again. It's been a few days, and like the Biebs says, never say never. After I recoup and give my legs a few days to rest, I can't wait to put a (short) run in!

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