Tuesday, October 20, 2009

why halloween candy is tricky

the adorable cute bite-size packaging, with 2 milk duds per sweet little carton or 3 little swedish fish buddies.. you just pop a few while you're watching a show, or writing thank you cards, when all of the sudden you look down and BAM! You no longer fit in your wedding gown.

These things, dear friends, ought not be so.

Yesterday Harry picked me and a load of my possessions up, in an effort to move me over to the apartment little by little. On the counter was the sweetest card he's ever written (awww) along with CANDY.
Yes, the groom brought the bride candy, the night after they cut their eating plans at Smashburger and the movies. And what's better (or worse), it was the Halloween kind. Now I'm sitting lazily at my desk popping Halloween Hershey kisses filled with caramel.

Yes, my wedding dress, and other things,

2 weeks, 3 days.

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